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Cantonese Downloads
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Downloads of the Foreign Service Method Cantonese Basic Course
This is the principal language of Kwangtung province in Southeast China, parts of neighboring Kwangsi province, Hong Kong, and Macao. In addition it is spoken by many people in Southeast Asia, and is the original language of many Chinese-Americans; some 50 million people in the world speak it. It has many dialects, but the Prestige variety, spoken in Canton, is standard, and is used over a wide area, including Hong Kong; these recordings are made in the Prestige dialect. The course is divided into two levels; each book has a handy glossary presenting a romanization, characters, and a brief definition. Level 1 comes with the equivalent of 14 CDs and a book, and Level 2 with the equivalent of 15 CDs and a book, in a digital edition, with MP3s and PDF text, all available for download.
Downloads of the Foreign Service Method Cantonese Basic Course:
Level 1 | $25 (was $49)!      Level 2 | $49  
Levels 1 and 2 | $69  

More information for Foreign Service Method Cantonese...
Free Samples of Foreign Service Method Cantonese