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  Multilingual Books - Helping you learn languages since 1993, with courses and software in over 100 languages!

Standard Deviants: Adult Learning

Standard Deviants: Adult Learning

Add some spice to your class with the Standard Deviants Language Series! Textbooks are great but they can't help your students develop an ear for the language. The approach of the Standard Deviants series is to combine solid educational content with cutting-edge technology and top-notch writing. These award-winning videos and DVDs cut through the confusion with a clear and concise format, high-tech computer graphics, and a fun approach to serious education. To date, this formula has proved enormously successful. The Standard Deviants titles have won 19 Telly Awards for "Best Non-Broadcast Educational Video" and have also been named to the "Best Films and Videos" list by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Adult Learning

English Language Arts

Teaching Systems Grammar Module 6 Pack
Teaching Systems Grammar Module 6 Pack is a state standards, curriculum based, complete lesson course in a box designed to capture your student's attention. It includes DVD video content, a teacher's guide, quizzes, handouts, and classroom materials. Cerebellum presents the students of American English Grammar with a complete course that covers the subject from first definitions to fairly complicated sentence structures. This sometimes tedious subject is presented with good humour and numerous examples. Classroom handouts and activities reinforce the lessons in a fun, interactive manner that encourages lesson retention. This series will walk your students through the rules of grammar by explaining proper verb tense, nouns, phrases, participles and more, as well as illustrate common errors such as dangling prepositions, run-on sentences and faulty parallels. The modules begin with the basics: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions. Then the subject presentation progresses through sentence structure, agreement between subjects and verbs and common grammar mistakes. Examples of sentence constructions, while not wrong are not preferred, are given to finish the subject. Content includes: 6 DVD Videos - high quality, attention grabbing video presentation of all 6 modules in the series; CD-ROM - 6 modules of teacher's guides, quizzes, handouts, and classroom materials. The Modules are: Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives; All About the Verb; Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions; Examining the Sentence; Agreeing with Grammar; Grammar Follies

Teaching Systems Vocabulary Super Pack
Teaching Systems Vocab is a unique and innovative tool that uses short video skits to give students a real-world representation of the meaning of a word in a way they can relate to and understand. With recurring characters and ongoing plots, this program provides an engaging and effective learning experience to students. This program shows students what the words mean, instead of just telling them! Cerebellum programs are entertaining and educational learning supplements that have been recommended by thousands of teachers, administrators, librarians, and professionals. Cerebellum has been a leader in the Educational DVD market since 1993, producing over 1,000 hours of educational media. As a winner of 20 Telly Awards – one of the most sought after awards in the TV, commercial and video industry – Cerebellum has received much critical acclaim for our innovative approach to learning. Modules in the Vocabulary Series: 1 Stranded!; 2 Artists & Rumor Chick; 3 Two’s Company; 4 Johnny Hightower & The Speed Walkers; 5 Mad Scientists & Study Partner; 6 Imaginary Larry; 7 Shall We Dance?

Standard Deviants English Composition 4 Pack
Standard Deviants School is an educational and entertaining, lesson-based learning supplement based on the award-winning Standard Deviants teaching style. Each program includes full classroom performance rights. Standard Deviants School will capture your students’ attention and make your lectures come alive! Grab a pen, paper, and a seat because the Standard Deviants will start you off down the road of writing. Get ready to witness bold ideas, extreme penmanship and some handy-dandy advice on how to write the perfect English paper. Learn to free write your topics, wow your audience, and get that all-important feedback you need to write a grade-A paper. Learn how to knock your reader’s socks off with cool openers that grab them from line one. Then check out the subtle connecting power of transitions, and a discussion on revising and rewriting. Programs in this series: 1. Enter the Writer- Get ready to witness bold ideas, extreme penmanship and some handy-dandy advice on how to write the perfect English paper as the Standard Deviants start you off on the writing process; 2. Free writing- The Standard Deviants show you how to get started on your paper with two simple steps: defining the task and clarifying the assignment. Learn to free write your topics, wow your audience, and get the feedback you need to write a grade-A paper; 3. Researching & Rough Draft- Go to the library, search cyberspace, and conduct surveys as the Standard Deviants gather the information needed to write a top-notch paper. Then we'll build the backbone of your ideas: the outline. These steps will lead you to your next challenge, the part that separates the writers from the scribblers: the rough draft; 4. From First Line to Last Draft- The Standard Deviants go back to the beginning - the beginning of your paper. Learn how to knock your reader's socks off with cool openers that grab them from the very first line! Check out the subtle connecting power of transitions! We'll wrap it up with a discussion of the necessities of revising and rewriting.

Science and Math

Teaching Systems Biology Super Pack
Biology is the study of life. So, we're going to study life - from the smallest atom to the largest elephant. You'll uncover the mysteries of DNA and crack the genetic codes inside of each and every one of us. Find out how your body is a workhorse and never stops and how it got started. This series will have your students buzzing about Biology! Programs in the Series: 1. Molecules and Cells; 2. Heredity & Inheritance; 3. Molecular Genetics; 4. Evolutionary Biology; 5. Organisms & Populations; 6. Human Physiology & Immune Response; 7. Ecology.

Teaching Systems Algebra Super Pack
Students should know about the power of algebra, that armed with knowledge of algebra, you can find out fascinating things about place, people and real-life situations. This series concentrates on the essentials of algebra plus provides a thorough breakdown of difficult concepts using step-by-step explanations and visual examples. The Standard Deviants Teaching Systems are simply the most effective method for students to learn and for teachers to teach. This educational programming is optimized for classroom use. Each module is a topic-based video accompanied with a digital workbook that uses a humorous and unique style and approach to difficult concepts with the learner's perspective in mind. Each video contains "Full Public Performance Rights" and a digital workbook which includes teacher's guides, classroom notes, quizzes, games, and graphic organizers. The subject matter correlates directly to state standards and is produced and designed by the Cerebellum Academic Team of professional scriptwriters, students, professors, actors, comedians, and teachers. Titles included in this series: Foundations of Algebra; Functions; Algebra Mechanics; Linear Equations; Linear Equalities; Polynomials & Factoring; Quadratic Equations.

Standard Deviants Calculus 9 Super Pack
Boost calculus confidence with this dynamic and engaging series that takes students through limits, graphing, derivatives, integrals and more. Fast-paced and full of information, this series will aid retention of key concepts with an easy-to-follow pace and repeated reviews of key concepts. Help your students grasp even the most perplexing functions!
The DVD Super Pack contains Modules 1 through 9 plus companion CD-ROM:
1. Calculus Basics- The Standard Deviants answer a question that has baffled humanity since...oh, about 1700: What is calculus? The two men who created calculus, Newton and Leibniz, aren't around to explain it to you, so the Standard Deviants are going to do the job instead. Plus, we'll review the basics of algebra, graphs, functions and limits.
2. Limits- The sky's the limit...on the types of limits the Standard Deviants are going to show you. But just as you think you've reached your limit on limits, we'll boldly go off into infinity!
3. Derivatives- What is an effect, the root of a word, a synonym for "credited" and also a famous mathematical term? The answer: a derivative. The Standard Deviants are going to focus on the derivative's celebrity status in math as the numero uno rate of change.
4. Work-Saving Rules- You can have your work cut out for you finding derivatives and tangents. The Standard Deviants can lessen your workload with some rules that will make life easier. Rules that make life easier: The power rule, E rule and natural log rule will have you plotting points and drawing curves in no time flat.
5. Finding Derivatives- The Standard Deviants give you a few more rules to help you survive, thrive and derive in the calculus jungle. The product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule will help you find derivatives - no matter what shape or size they are!
6. Derivative Applications- Is your brain drained? Do you want a little review? You got it. The Standard Deviants go over all the major concepts and formulas from the first five programs and make sure all this calculus know-how sticks in your head. Then we'll discuss applications of derivatives, like critical points, functions, and derivative tests.
7. Figuring Out Curves- There are curves that go back and forth, increase and decrease and never seem to stand still. How does one find their extrema? Are the curves concave up or concave down? We'll tackle these questions and many more!
8. Practical Applications- See how calculus saves the day, no matter what the problem. The Standard Deviants figure out the cheapest sized delivery box for Uncle Skippy's premium edible dirt business, find the instantaneous velocity of a Volkswagen Beetle being chased by stampeding elephants and see how far a chicken can throw an egg.
9. The Antiderivative- Go against the grain as the Standard Deviants tackle the anti-derivative! Suddenly everything is reversed! Pigs can fly, lunch is free, money grows on trees and beggars can be choosers. How does one find the anti-derivative? With a little process called integration.
10. SDS Calculus Companion CD- Transform your Standard Deviants School video programs into complete lessons with this supplementary CD-ROM! Each disc contains everything you need to present and reinforce the material covered in the DVD/video modules, including a Teacher's Guide with helpful presentation notes, a Program Guide that lists the most important topics in each program, illustrated QuikNotes with definitions and examples, and a quiz. Also usable with the Standard Deviants videos. Easy-to-access text files in PDF format. Mac and PC compatible.

Standard Deviants Differential Equations 7 Super Pack
Challenge students to aim higher in mathematics with this series that explores advanced-level equations and theories. Through an approachable and engaging format, this six-part series conveys simple techniques, equations simplification, solution checking, different types ofequations and more! Standard Deviants School is an educational and entertaining, lesson-based learning supplement based on the award winning Standard Deviants teaching style. Each program includes full classroom performance rights. Standard Deviants School will capture your students’ attention and make your lectures come alive!
The Differential Equations 7 Super Pack Modules 1 through 6 plus companion CD-ROM:
1. The Basics- The Standard Deviants start you off on the right foot by explaining all the differential equation basics, starting with "What is a differential equation'" Then we'll explain the different types of differential equations you'll encounter.
2. Solution Checking- How do you know you have the right answer when you finish a problem? Find out when the Standard Deviants show you how to verify the solution of a differential equation. We'll also cover some handy tips about separable differential equations.
3. Simplifying Equations- The Standard Deviants look at exact differential equations. Learn how creative visualization can help you solve these tricky problems. Then, find out how to rewrite these equations into a simpler form. The Standard Deviants also show you how to avoid some common pitfalls.
4. Choosing a Technique- By now, you've learned several techniques to solve what seem like similar problems. Which technique do you use? There's only one way to find out: the hit game show, "Name That Equation!" Then, the Standard Deviants kick things up a notch when they cover higher-order differential equations.
5. Higher-Order Equations- Learn how to find solutions of higher-order differential equations with constant coefficients. Try saying that three times fast! While it's a mouthful to say, the Standard Deviants will make it easy to understand.
6. More Equation Types- What's the difference between a homogeneous and non-homogeneous equation? Find out the answer to this question and others, like "How do I solve these equations without going crazy'" Don't worry! The Standard Deviants will break everything down and cover all the points, step-by-step.
7. SDS Differential Equations Companion CD- Transform your Standard Deviants School video programs into complete lessons with this supplementary CD-ROM! Each disc contains everything you need to present and reinforce the material covered in the DVD/video modules, including a Teacher's Guide with helpful presentation notes, a Program Guide that lists the most important topics in each program, illustrated QuikNotes with definitions and examples, and a quiz. Also usable with the Standard Deviants videos. Easy-to-access text files in PDF format. Mac and PC compatible.

Standard Deviants Basic Math 10 Pack
The DVD Super Pack contains Modules 1 through 10: Module 1: Integers and Addition; Module 2: Subtracting Integers; Module 3: Multiplying Integers; Module 4: Dividing Integers; Module 5: Integer Grab Bag; Module 6: Working with Decimals; Module 7: Fraction Basics; Module 8: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Module 9: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions; Module 10: Ratios and Percents.

Standard Deviants Mighty Math DVD 4-Pack
Save money! This four DVD set includes Basic Math, Pre-Algebra Part 1, Algebra Part 1 and Geometry Part 1 at huge savings! The Math Basics includes Basic Math and Geometry; Geometry Part 1 covers basic geometry; Pre-Algebra Part 1 covers everything from exponents, roots, prime numbers and absolute value to variables and graphing X & Y coordinates; and Algebra Part 1 covers the beginnings of algebra.

Standard Deviants Math Basics DVD 2-Pack
The perfect learning tool for all ages, The Standard Deviants make math fun! The Standard Deviants Math Basics DVD 2-pack includes Basic Math and Geometry 1 at a discounted price.

Standard Deviants Geometry DVD 2-Pack
If Geometry has you running in circles, the Standard Deviants can help! The Standard Deviants cover everything from basic geometry - such as lines, points, angles and triangles - to high school geometry, where you'll learn the different types of theorems and postulates you'll need to tackle those tricky proofs. The Geometry DVD 2-Pack includes Geometry Parts 1 and 2.

Standard Deviants Pre-Algebra DVD 2-Pack
A great introduction to the basics of algebra, Pre-Algebra covers everything from exponents, roots, prime numbers and absolute value to variables and graphing X & Y coordinates. Using computer graphics and animation, the Standard Deviants will help you solve the trickiest pre-algebra problems with step-by-step explanations and helpful hints. The Pre-Algebra DVD 2-Pack includes Pre-Algebra Power and Pre-Algebra Part 2.

Standard Deviants Algebra Adventure DVD 2-Pack
Lost in a sea of variables and properties? Do you need help solving for X? No need to hire an expensive tutor! From High School Algebra I through College Algebra, the Standard Deviants will guide you through algebraic problems and linear equations with a relaxed format and plenty of examples. The Algebra DVD 2-Pack contains Algebra Adventure and Algebra Part 2.

Standard Deviants Calculus DVD 2-Pack
The Standard Deviants are more fun than a textbook and cheaper than hiring a calculus tutor! Beginning with a review of functions and graphing, these DVDs cover limits, vertical and horizontal asymptote, slopes and derivatives, antiderivatives, the definite integral, and more. The Calculus DVD 2-Pack contains Calculus Part 1 and Part 2.