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THS Spanish Software Tutorial Books

THS Editores

Spanish Software Tutorials from THS
THS Editores, from IDG Books and Trejos Hermanos Sucesores, are valuable resources to help Spanish speakers learn popular software applications and computer skills. Topics include Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, Office and Windows; web pages and the Internet; and networking. Each book of the Guía Visual, Aprenda Visualmente, and Master Visualmente series from THS is organized simply and thoroughly, making them easy to read and understand. The books are full of colorful screen shots and graphic representations to make learning computer programs fun and easy. From basic beginning steps such as using a mouse to complicated procedures like working with databases, THS Editores teach users in a fast-paced and comprehensive manner.
Priced starting at $19.95.
Pricing and availability for THS Editores...

THS Editores The emphasis of THS manuals is simple, graphic presentation of information. The beginning of each manual explains basic graphic user interface conventions such as using and working with menus, single- and double-clicking with a mouse, and shortcut keystrokes. Illustrations help explain relationships among components of the software and operating systems.

Chapters are color-coded for fast reference, and a handy table at the top of each page provides a brief list of chapter contents and highlights the current lesson. Lessons are based on simple procedures and include screen shots with step-by-step instructions for executing commands. Tips are given in plain language with each instruction to help users remember and simplify complicated commands and procedures.

Pricing and Availability for THS Editores

Aprenda Computadoras e Internet Visualmente (Teach Yourself Computers and Internet Visually)
Second edition. 287 pages. 1998.

Aprenda Computadoras e Internet Visualmente (Teach Yourself Excel 2000 Visually)
307 pages. 1999.

Aprenda Internet y la WWW Visualmente (Teach Yourself Internet and the WWW Visually)
320 pages. 1997.

Aprenda Office 2000 Visualmente (Teach Yourself Office 2000 Visually)
397 pages. 1999.

Aprenda Redes Visualmente (Teach Yourself Networking Visually)
305 pages. 1997.

Aprenda Windows 98 Visualmente (Teach Yourself Windows 98 Visually)
397 pages. 1997.

Aprenda Windows NT 4 Visualmente (Teach Yourself Windows NT 4 Visually)
303 pages. 1997.

Aprenda Word 2000 Visualmente (Teach Yourself Word 2000 Visually)
303 pages. 1999.

Aprenda Word 97 Visualmente (Teach Yourself Word 97 Visually)
303 pages. 1998.

Computadoras Guía Visual (Computers Simplified)
Fourth edition. 223 pages. 1997.

Creando Paginas Web con HTML Guía Visual (Creating Web Pages with HTML Simplified)
301 pages. 1999.

Excel 2000 Guía Visual (Excel 2000 Simplified)
225 pages. 1999.

Excel 97 Guía Visual (Excel 97 Simplified)
225 pages. 1997.

Internet y WWW Guía Visual (Internet and WWW Simplified)
Third edition. 351 pages. 1999.

Internet Guía Visual (Internet Simplified)
Second edition. 223 pages. 1997.

Master Office 2000 Visualmente (Master Office 2000 Visually)
713 pages. 1999.

Master Windows 98 Visualmente (Master Windows 98 Visually)
713 pages. 1999.

Master Word 2000 Visualmente (Master Word 2000 Visually)
713 pages. 1999.

Office 2000 Guía Visual (Office 2000 Simplified)
395 pages. 1997.

Office 97 Guía Visual (Office 97 Simplified)
348 pages. 1997.

Word 2000 Guía Visual (Word 2000 Simplified)
225 pages. 1998.