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Online Dictionaries - Thai Dictionaries

Online Dictionaries From Around The World!
Presented here is a collection of pages with links to online dictionaries in languages from all over the world, including monolingual online dictionaries, bilingual online dictionaries, online technical and specialty dictionaries, and online translation engines and hyper-dictionaries. If you find any of the links dead and you want to notify us, or if you have recommendations for another dictionary to add to the site, contact us by email at

Thai, Thai-English, and Other Dictionaries | Online Dictionaries Main Index

  Thai, Thai-English, and Other Dictionaries

Parsit English-to-Thai Web Translation - Translate a web page by entering or pasting its URL in the searchbox, and Parsit transforms English web pages into Thai web pages and then sends the result in the original layout back to the user; to translate English text (not more than 2,000 characters), type or paste it in the searchbox. The service requires registration with a username and a password, but is otherwise free to the public.
Longdo Multiple Thai Bilingual Dictionary Search - Online bilingual meta-dictionary for Thai-English, Thai-German, Thai-French, and Thai-Japanese, that accesses a large number of different dictionary datasets for each language combination. The Longdo project is an ongoing colloborative project that will continue to evolve in the future, and aims to provide bilingual Thai translations to the public.
Longdo POP-Thai Service - Enter a website URL address and get back the webpage with pop-up definitions in Thai for all websites in English, German, French, and Japanese. Also includes a textbox that will translate from those languages into Thai. Works best for English, support for the vocabulary in other languages is spotty at best.
Royal Academy Thai Dictionary - Online monolingual Thai dictionary; interface entirely in Thai.
Lexitron Online Thai Dictionary - Free on-line bilingual English-Thai dictionary that also includes synonyms, antonyms, and information on usage; also without any charge, you can download the LEXiTRON program for Windows or Linux to install on your PC.
English-Thai Dictionary Online - Online bilingual Thai-English dictionary with 83,000 English words and phrases in our dictionary and another 40,000 Thai words and phrases translated into English. Thai-English Dictionary and Transliteration - Searchable Thai-English dictionary of over 27,000 Thai words and phrases with English definitions and over 10,000 audio pronunciations in WMA format. Click on a Thai letter to browse or enter an English or Thai word here to search the dictionary; also available is transliteration search. The rest of the website is a resource for learner's of the Thai language.
On-line Thai Dictionary - Thai-English HTML dictionary pages in Unicode (ThaiTTF font required for index and the rest of the site pages), with definitions of the Thai word in English, and audio pronunciations of the Thai words in WAV format.
Webster's Thai English Dictionary - HTML dictionary of Thai to English, with simple English word equivalents.
Thai2English Text Transliteration and Thai-English Dictionary - This site is designed to automatically transliterate Thai text to roman letters (including tone markers), and provide a quick integrated dictionary lookup of every Thai word entered. Automatic Thai to English translation is under development, but not currently available. Simply type or copy-and-paste Thai text into the box below; to look up a single word in the dictionary or to transliterate a whole webpage, use the boxes to the right. With a variety of transliteration schemes available.
TIE English Reader's Helper - The English Reader's Helper is a tool designed to help Thai readers understand written English. It was developed to help Thai schoolchildren read English-language stories, but it can be used as an on-line translator for any Web page.
Phuut Thai Multilingual Dictionary - Online dictionary with over 13,000 German, 8,000 English, 3,000 French and 4,000 Dutch terms with Thai translations and German phonetic transcription. Requires Thai fonts, with interface in German. Also available as a free software download for Windows systems.
Saikam Thai-Japanese Online Dictionary - Online bilingual Japanese-Thai dictionary created by The Association of Thai Professionals in Japan (ATPIJ) and the National Institute of Informatics (NII). The Thai-Japanese dictionary uses a Java applet and takes input from a Thai virtual keyboard; the Japanese-Thai dictionary uses a normal searchbox. With over 135,000 Japanese and 41,000 Thai terms defined; also includes an online kanji dictionary.
Thai-Sch Freeware Thai-Japanese Dictionary - Downloadable freeware Thai-Japanese dictionary for Windows 95 and above, with an update; plus other freeware Thai-Japanese software.
Lexique French-Thai Talking Word List - List of French words with their Thai equivalents, and the pronunciation of the Thai words in WAV and Real Audio formats.
Thai Picture Dictionary - Picture dictionary in Thai; requires Thai fonts and some prior knowledge of Thai pronunciation.