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  Multilingual Books - Helping you learn languages since 1993, with courses and software in over 100 languages!


Spoken Romanian
Spoken Language Services is "the original language teacher". These no-nonsense courses have been used successfully by thousands of students to jump-start their foreign language training. No other method has proved more effective than the simple listen-and-imitate method these courses employ. Upon finishing the course the learner should have a good grounding in everyday vocabulary, grammar, and usage, and be able to communicate with native speakers. Includes 342 page text and 6 cassettes.

Colloquial Romanian
The Routledge Colloquial courses cover all the basics of the language including grammar and speech. The Colloquial series is our most popular series of language courses, due to its excellent quality, low cost, and amazing range of available languages. These are beginning to intermediate level courses, perfect for travellers, brushing up on skills, or supplementary use. Two CDs and a book are included.