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Ebooks in Portuguese: Electronic Books Online: Public Domain Texts

Ebooks in Portuguese: Electronic Books Online: Public Domain Texts
Ebooks were one of the first flowerings of the WWW, and made good on its potential to be a universal library. With so many public domain texts in existence, there is no reason why anyone, anywhere, cannot have access to the entire heritage of world literature and learning in all languages. We are here presenting electronic books and texts in various formats that are either in the public domain or have been freely offered for use.

Portuguese Ebooks | Ebook Index

A Revolução Portugueza: O 31 de Janeiro (Porto 1891) (Francisco Jorge de Abreu)
A Revolução Portugueza: O 5 de Outubro (Lisboa 1910) (Francisco Jorge de Abreu)
Bases da ortografia portuguesa (Abreu and Viana)
Jaime de Magalhães Lima (José Agostinho)
Salmos do prisioneiro (Jaime de Magalhães Lima)
Cidades e Paisagens (Jaime de Magalhães Lima)
Eucalyptos e Acacias (Jaime de Magalhães Lima)
Os Filhos do Padre Anselmo (António José da Costa Couto Sá de Albergaria)
Como e porque sou romancista (José Martiniano de Alencar)
Amor de Perdição (Camilo Ferreira Botelho Castelo Branco)
Novo dicionário da língua portuguesa (Portuguese Dictionary) (Cândido de Figueiredo)
Contos para a infância (Abílio Manuel Guerra Junqueiro)
Orpheu Nº1 (Various)